Please call parish office at 559-584-8576 to make an appointment at least six months prier to the desired wedding date.
Our First Communion programs follows the school year calendar. Children who are in their second grade at school qualify to be enrolled in our First Communion program.
You need to bring their Birth and Baptismal Certificates and pay the fee.
Youth who are in their Sophomore and Jr. year at the High School qualify to be in our Confirmation Program. The Confirmation program follows the school calendar year. The programs is for two years one class per week. (We take the summer, Christmas and Easter breaks).
The Adult First Communion and/or Confirmation program is for adults (over 18) who have been baptized. If you would like to be fully initiated as Catholics through the Sacrament of First Communion and/or Confirmation, our program begins in September and it is completed in April every year. If you have any questions, please contact our Parish Office (559) 584-85756.
Sacramento de Bautismo
Los bautismos son los sábados a las 10:00 am típicamente. Los requisitos para bautizar son los siguientes: Llenar la forma con los datos requeridos. Los padrinos pueden ser solteros y si estan casados deben estar casados por la Iglesia católica. Los papas y padrinos deben participar en la platica pre bautismal. Hacer el pago por el proceso de tramite de $103 por cada niño.
Forma para Bautismo
Our baptisms are regularly every Saturday at 10:00 AM. The First Saturday of each month baptisms are in English and Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Saturdays are in Spanish.
You need to provide the Birth Certificate of the child, the names of the Godparents and pay the processing fee. Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a baptismal class prier to baptizing. Godparents must have their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. (If married, they must be married in the Catholic Church; persons who are married civilly or in relationship outside of marriage DO NOT qualify to be Godparents.
Baptism Registration Form